Welcome to the latest edition of Six Questions With..., a regular short and sharp interview with a live music figure. Email james.hanley@futurenet.com if you would like to take part or recommend someone for inclusion.
This week's Q&A is with Eveline Cromheecke, events manager for Belgian drum & bass and dubstep brand Rampage, which held its first Open Air weekender in July. Rampage 2020 will be held at Antwerps Sportpaleis, Belgium from March 13-14.
What was your first job in music?
Promotional ambassador of Rampage when I was 16.
How long have you been in your current role?
I have been part of the Rampage team for just over one year now.
What is your favourite thing about working in the live music industry?
An immense form of gratefulness comes from both the people I work with as well as the people in the crowd who I speak to. This is incredibly encouraging to make the most out of every production.
What is the one thing you would like to change about the business?
There is a mentality amongst our politicians where culture does not always seem important. Unfortunately, this has a huge impact on every aspect of the industry. There is not one thing I would like to change about the industry itself, but I think our creativity is sometimes limited because of strict rules. This seems very unfortunate for the industry sometimes and would need to change in order for it to reach its maximum potential.
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
The first edition of Rampage Open Air in July. The first night I had five minutes off to walk around the festival itself. I ran into [co-creator] Murdock and we just had a little moment of appreciation there. The gratitude we have towards Rampage soldiers who represented at the first edition, in the way they did, was above all expectation, it was truly monumental.
What's the best gig you’ve ever been to?
Rampage 2019 weekender, no doubt.