Entries in 'exports' (28)

Luminate data shows decline in share of streams for British artists at home and abroad

UK recorded music market achieves double-digit growth in Q3 amid chart squeeze for British talent

IFPI report reveals EU risks falling behind in global market - UK still among top music exporters

As UK music market grows 10% in Q1, BPI CEO Jo Twist addresses the chart squeeze for British talent

BPI CEO Dr Jo Twist on continuing UK market growth, the impact of catalogue and breaking artists

Music Export Growth Scheme reveals biggest round to date with £1.6 million for 67 artists

Music Week Awards 2024: Last chance to showcase global success in International Marketing category

Hopes for 2024 (Part 1): Industry leaders on key issues including artist development, exports and AI

Government backs Music Export Growth Scheme with an expanded £1.6m in funding

UK music industry contributes £6.7 billion to British economy

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